

Board of Directors Activities

The SK Chemicals Board of Directors resolves matters stipulated by laws or articles of association, issues delegated by the general meeting, and important issues related to the company's management policies and business execution.

Board of Directors Operations Status

2024 Date of Board of Directors Meeting, Agenda Details
Session Date Agenda External Directors
Ahn Yang-ho Park Jung-soo Moon Sung-hwan Jo Hong-hee Choi Sun-mi
1st 2024.01.24 1. Amendment of Board of Directors Regulations Approval Approval Approval Approval -
  1. ※ Individual Compensation for CEO (Proposal)
- - - - -
2nd 2024.02.07 1. Approval of 7th Financial Statements and Business Reports Approval Approval Approval Approval -
※ Report on 2023 Business Performance and 2024 Business Plan - - - - -
3rd 2024.02.28 1. 2024 Safety and Health Plan Approval Approval Approval Approval -
※ Report on 2023 Internal Accounting Management System Operation - - - - -
※ 2024 CEO KPI Report - - - - -
※ Committee Activity Results Report - - - - -
4th 2024.03.06 1. Regular shareholders' Meeting Convening and Agend Approval Approval Approval Approval -
※ Report on 2023 Fiscal Year Internal Accounting Management System Operation - - - - -
※ Progress Report after SK Shantou Acquisition - - - - -
5th 2024.03.26 1. Appointment of Committee Members - Approval Approval Approval Approval
※ Presentation on 2023 Board of Performance Evaluation Results - - - - -
※ Report on 2023 Compliance Support Activites - - - - -
* Report on Committee Activities and Outcomes - - - - -
6th 2024.04.24 * Report on SK Chemicals China Business Dynamics - - - - -
* Report on Q1 Business Performance and Q2 Plans - - - - -
7th 2024.05.22 1. Buliding Lease Agreement - Approval Approval Approval Approval
2. Change in Committee and DX Lab Operation Agreement - Approval Approval Approval Approval
* Report on Risk Management Performance for 2023 and Plan for 2024 - - - - -
* Report on Major Strategic Tasks of SKBS - - - - -
8th 2024.06.26 1. Amendment of Audit Committee Regulations - Approval Approval Approval Approval
2. Transaction with SK Gas - Approval Approval Approval Approval
* Progress Report on the Divestiture of SK Chemical Engineering Suzhou - - - - -
* Investment Report on CP-2 ECOZEN Dedicated Facility Installation - - - - -
9th 2024.07.24 1. Approval of Interrim Dividend (Determination of Dividend Amount and Record Date) - Approval Approval Approval Approval
2. Approval of Directors' and Officers' Liability Insurance Subscription - Approval Approval Approval Approval
3. Approvla of Donation and Conveyance of Jigwanseoga - Approval Approval Approval Approval
* SK Chemicals' Operation Improvement - - - - -
* Report on H1 Business Performance and H2 Business Plans - - - - -
* Review of CEO's H1 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) - - - - -

※ Report Items

2023 Date of Board of Directors Meeting, Agenda Details
Session Date Agenda Internal Directors Independent Directors
Kim Cheol (Director 1)
(Attendance: 100%)
Ahn Jae-hyun (Director 2)
(Attendance: 89%)
Ahn Yang-ho
(Attendance: 100%)
Park Jung-soo
(Attendance: 100%)
Moon Sung-hwan (Director 3)
(Attendance: 100%)
Jo Hong-hee (Director 4)
(Attendance: 100%)
Jeon Kwang-hyun (Director 5)
(Attendance: 100%)
1st 2023.02.01 1. Appointment of Committee Members within the Board of Directors Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
  1. ※ Report on Committee Activities
- - - - - - -
2nd 2023.02.09 1. Approval of Financial Statements and Business Reports Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
2. '23 Safety and Health Plan Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
  1. ※ '22 Management Performance and '23 Management Plan Report
  2. ※ '23 CEO KPI Report
  3. ※ '23 CEO Individual Compensation (Draft) Report
- - - - - - -
3rd 2023.02.22
  1. ※ Report on Subsidiary Company Guarantees
  2. ※ Report on Current Management Issues
- - - - - - -
4th 2023.02.28 1. Proposal for Payment Guarantee Agreement for Subsidiaries Approval Absent Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
2. Transactions between Directors and the Company (Note 6) Approval Absent Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
  1. ※ Report on the Operational Status of Internal Accounting Management for the '22 Fiscal Year
  2. ※ Report on Current Management Issues
- - - - - - -
5th 2023.03.06 1. Proposal for Establishment/Investment of Shuye Joint Venture Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
2. Regular Shareholders' Meeting Convening and Agenda Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
  1. ※ 'Report on the Operational Evaluation of the Internal Accounting Management System for the '22 Fiscal Year
  2. ※ Report on Current Management Issues
- - - - - - -
6th 2023.03.28 1. Appointment of Chairman of the Board of Directors Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
2. Appointment of CEO Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
3. Appointment of Committee Members within the Board of Directors Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
  1. ※ Report on the Operation Evaluation Results of the Board of Directors for the '22 Fiscal Year
  2. ※ Report on Legal Compliance Activities for the '22 Fiscal Year
  3. ※ Report on the Execution Results of Board of Directors Resolutions
- - - - - - -
7th 2023.04.26
  1. ※ Report on 1st Quarter Management Performance and 2nd Quarter Management Plans
  2. ※ Report on SKMU PF Progress
  3. ※ Annual Goals and Performance Report of the Risk Management Committee for '23
  4. ※ Report on Duties and Responsibilities of Directors of Listed Companies
  5. ※ Committee Activities Report
  6. ※ Board of Directors Workshop Report
- - - - - - -
8th 2023.06.01 1. Proposal for Setting the Record Date for Interim Dividends Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
2. Investment Agreement and Provision of Collateral for Subsidiary Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
9th 2023.06.28
  1. ※ SHE Diagnosis Implementation Results Report
  2. ※ Report on the Execution Results of Board of Directors Resolutions and Committee Activities
- - - - - - -

※ Report Items

  • (Note 1) Kim Cheol, an internal director, was reappointed at the 6th Regular Shareholders' Meeting held on March 28, 2023.
  • (Note 2) Ahn Jae-hyun, an internal director, was newly appointed at the 6th Regular Shareholders' Meeting held on March 28, 2023.
  • (Note 3) Moon Sung-hwan, an independent director, was reappointed at the 6th Regular Shareholders' Meeting held on March 28, 2023.
  • (Note 4) Jo Hong-hee, an independent director, was reappointed at the 6th Regular Shareholders' Meeting held on March 28, 2023.
  • (Note 5) Jeon Kwang-hyun, an other non-executive director, was newly appointed at the 6th Regular Shareholders' Meeting held on March 28, 2023.
  • (Note 6) This matter is related to the approval of self-dealing. For detailed information, please refer to the following.
    자기거래의 승인대상 주요주주, 결의일자, 승인사항을 나타낸표
    Target Company Major Shareholder Resolution Date Approval Details
    SK Gas Co., Ltd. SK Discovery Co., Ltd. 2023.02.28
    1. 1. Purpose and Scope of Transaction (Service)

      • Consulting for the SK Chemical-owned SK Bioscience subsidiary's stock sales effect and residual stake value enhancement
    2. 2. Service Period and Expected Transaction Amount

      • Period: February 13, 2023, to July 31, 2023
      • Expected transaction amount: Approximately KRW 4.96 billion
2022년 이사회의 개최일자, 의안내용
Session Date Agenda Internal Directors Independent Directors
Kim Cheol
(Attendance Rate:100%)
Jeon Kwang-hyun(Note 1)
(Attendance Rate:89%)
Ahn Yang-ho
(Attendance Rate:100%)
Park Jung-soo(Note 2)
(Attendance Rate:100%)
Moon Sung-hwan
(Attendance Rate:100%)
Jo Hong-hee
(Attendance Rate:100%)
Ahn Jae-hyun(Note 3)
(Attendance Rate:91%)
Approval Status
1st 2022.01.25
  1. ※ Report on the Operation Plan of the Personnel Committee for '22
  2. ※ Report on '21 Business Performance and '22 Business Plan
  3. ※ Report on Internal Transactions for '2
- - - - - - Not applicable ('22 New appointment on March 28)
2nd 2022.02.10 1. Approval of Financial Statements and Business Report Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
  1. ① '22 CEO KPI Repor
  2. ② '22 CEO Individual Compensation(Proposal) Report
- - - - - -
3rd 2022.02.24 1. Amendment of Compliance Control Standards Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
  1. ※ '21 Internal Accounting Management System Operation Status Report
  2. ※ Report on Shareholder Proposals
  3. ※ Report on Major Management Issues
- - - - - -
4th 2022.03.03 1. Regular Shareholders' Meeting Convening and Agenda Confirmation Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
2. '22 Safety/Health Plan Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
  1. ※ '21 Internal Accounting Management System Operation Status Evaluation Report
- - - - - -
5th 2022.03.21 1. Self-Stock Acquisition Trust Contract Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
  1. ※ Report on Key Management Issues
- - - - - -
6th 2022.03.28 1. Appointment of CEO Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
2. Appointment of Committee Members within the Board of Directors Approva Approva Approva Approva Approva Approva Approva
3. Construction of Ulsan Plant Comprehensive Management Building Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
4. Decision to Accept the Current Issue Resolution Plan Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
  1. ※ Role Change of SUPEX Pursuit Council
  2. ※ Report on the '21 Board of Directors Operation Evaluation Results
- - - - - - -
7th 2022.04.27 1. Change in Building Lease Agreement Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
2. Amendment of Corporate Governance Charter Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
3. Amendment of ESG Committee Regulations Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
4. Equipment Expansion Investment Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
  1. ※ 1Q Business Performance/2Q Business Plan Report
  2. ※ Report on Independence/Diversity Guidelines for Independent Directors
  3. ※ Update on Major Management Status
- - - - - - -
8th 2022.05.25 1. Issue of Corporate Bonds Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
  1. ※ Lessons Learned from PPS Business
  2. ※ Current Status and Future Plans for SK Multi-Utility Business
  3. ※ Report on Q1 SHE (Safety, Health, and Environment) Diagnosis Results and Measures
- - - - - - -
9th 2022.06.15 1. Proposal for Setting the Record Date for Interim Dividends Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
10th 2022.06.22 1. Proposal for Approval of Corporate Bond Issuance Limit Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
11th 2022.07.27 1. Proposal for Executive Compensation Insurance for 2022​ Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
2. Proposal for Interim Dividend Decision Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
3. Proposal for Funding Agreement Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
  1. ※ Report on Management Performance for the First Half of '22
  2. ※ Report on KPI Review for the First Half of '22 by CEO
  3. ※ Report on Green Material Growth Strategy
  4. ※ Report on Current Management Affairs
- - - - - - -
12th 2022.08.24 1. Proposal for Agreements, etc., Regarding Committee Operations Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
  1. ※ Report on Fuel Purchases for SKMU
- - - - - - -
13th 2022.09.28 1. Proposal for the Repurchase of Company Shares Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
  1. ※ Group Ethics Management Measurement System
- - - - - - -
14th 2022.10.26 1. Proposal for Foundation Corporation Participation Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
  1. ※ '22 3rd Quarter Business Performance Report
  2. ※ '22 CEO Evaluation (Draft) Report
- - - - - - -
15th 2022.11.23 1. China Subsidiary Debt Guarantee Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
  1. ※ MU Business Progress and Future Plans Report
  2. ※ China Corporation (S Corp) Collaboration Progress Report
  3. ※ Pharma Business Compliance Operation System Report
  4. ※ Personnel Committee Results Report
  5. ※ Organizational Restructuring and Executive Personnel Report
- - - - - - -
16th 2022.12.21 1. Proposal for Approval of Corporate Bond Issuance Limit Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
2. Proposal for Appointment of Legal Support Personnel Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
3. Proposal for Appointment of Fair Trade Autonomous Compliance Manager Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
  1. ※ Committee Activity Results Report
- - - - - - -

※ Report Items

  • (Note 1) Internal Director Jeon Kwang-hyun was reappointed on March 28, 2022.
  • (주2) Independent Director Park Jung-soo was reappointed on March 28, 2022.
  • (주3)Non-Executive Director Ahn Jae-hyun was newly appointed on March 28, 2022.
Meeting Dates and Agenda of the Board of Directors in 2021
Session Date Agenda Internal Directors Independent Directors
Kim Cheol
(Attendance Rate:94%)
Jeon Kwang-hyun
(Attendance Rate:100%)
Ahn Yang-ho (주1)
(Attendance Rate:100%)
Park Jung-soo
(Attendance Rate:100%)
Moon Sung-hwan
(Attendance Rate:100%)
Jo Hong-hee
(Attendance Rate:100%)
1st 2021.01.27 1. Appointment of Legal Support Personnel Approval Approval Not applicable (Reappointed on March 31, '21) Approval Approval Approval
2nd 2021.02.05 1. Partial Sale of SK Bioscience Shares Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
2. Approval of Financial Statements and Business Report Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
3rd 2021.02.24
  1. ※ Report on the Operation Status of the Internal Accounting Management System in 2020
- - - - -
4th 2021.03.10 1. Proposal for convening the 4th regular shareholders' meeting and confirming the agenda Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
  1. ※ Report on the results of the evaluation of the operation status of the internal accounting system in 2020
  2. ※ Report on ESG management initiatives
  3. ※ Report on compliance support activities
- - - - -
5th 2021.03.31 1. Appointment of the Chairman of the Board of Directors Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
2. Proposal for the establishment of the Corporate Governance Charter Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
3. Agreement on the joint operation of the Smart Work Center (Note 2 Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
4. Amendment to the lease agreement with SK Gas (Note 3) Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
5. Decision on the method of exercising stock purchase options Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
  1. ※ Report on the operation evaluation results of the Board of Directors in 2020
- - - - - -
6th 2021.04.14 1. Acquisition of shares in the Chinese subsidiary (S Company) Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
7th 2021.04.28 1. Amendment of certain conditions for acquiring shares in S Company Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
  1. ※ Report on 1st quarter financial performance / 2nd quarter business plan
  2. ※ Report on the progress of the MU business (draft)
  3. ※ Report on the improvement of the Composite Materials business structure (draft)
  4. ※ Report on the improvement of facilities in the Ulsan Plant management building/welfare facility infra (draft)
- - - - - -
8th 2021.05.26 1. 2021 Safety and Health Plan Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
2. Agreement on the operation of Discovery Lab (Note 4)) Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
3. 2021 Group-wide KPI (draft) Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
  1. ※ 2021 Cash Flow estimate and fund utilization plan
  2. ※ Net zero group joint declaration preparation
  3. ※ Report on the Ulsan Plant visit plan
- - - - - -
9th 2021.06.23 1. Installation and regulation establishment of committees within the Board of Directors Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
2. Proposal for abolishing the Management Committee Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
3. Appointment of committee members within the Board of Directors Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
4. Proposal for business transfer Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
  1. ※ Open R&D Venture Investment (draft)
- - - - - -
10th 2021.07.27 1. Proposal for executive compensation liability insurance Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
  1. ※ Report on the first half financial performance
  2. ※ Report on the progress of S Company's investment in China
  3. ※ Report on the progress of the Copolyester #4 investment
- - - - - -
11th 2021.08.25 1. Contract signing for development outsourcing with SK Plasma (Note 5) Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
  1. ※ Introduction of executive personnel management system
  2. ※ First-half organizational KPI evaluation report
- - - - - -
12th 2021.09.13 1. Investment proposal for the Multi-Utility business Absent Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
2. Approval of the split plan Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
3. Proposal for convening an interim shareholders' meeting and confirming the agenda Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
4. Proposal for setting the reference date for convening an interim shareholders' meeting Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
5. Approval of the transaction with SK Gas (Note 6) Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
  1. ※ Management status update
- - - - -
13th 2021.09.24
  1. ※ Enhancing shareholder value measures
  2. ※ Evaluation results of key ESG indicators in the first half
  3. ※ Management status update
- - - - - -
14th 2021.10.07 1. Proposal for the transfer of reserves to capital (bonus issue) Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
  1. ※ Mid-term dividend policy
- - - - - -
15th 2021.10.27 1. Proposal for business transfer Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
2. Proposal for the establishment of a foundation corporation Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
  1. ※ 3rd quarter financial performance
- - - - - -
16th 2021.12.01 1. Proposal for adjusting the quantity and exercise price of stock options Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
2. Report on the progress and announcement of the split (beyond reporting meetings) Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
  1. ※ Report on the composition of the board of directors of the newly established company in the split
  2. ※ 2022 organizational restructuring and executive personnel matters report
  3. ※ Report on the evaluation of the CEO and the results of the Personnel Committee's review of reappointment
- - - - - -
17th 2021.12.22 1. Proposal for the appointment of legal support personnel Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
2. Proposal for the appointment of a compliance manager for fair trade autonomy Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
3. Proposal for amending the regulations of the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
4. Additional party agreement on the operating expenses of the SUPEX Pursuit Consultative Council Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
5. Proposal for changes to the development outsourcing agreement with SK Plasma Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
  1. ※ Leader compliance check report
  2. ※ 2021 compliance support activities report
- - - - - -

※ Reporting items

  • (Note 1) Independent Director Ahn Yang-ho was reappointed on March 31, 2021, and the Attendance Rate is calculated only for the period after the reappointment.
  • (Note 2) For detailed information on this matter related to self-dealing approval, please refer to the following.
    Target Companies for Self-Dealing Approval, Major ShareholdersㅡResolution Date, Approval Details
    Target Company Major Shareholders Resolution Date Approval Details
    • SK Chemicals Co., Ltd.
    • SK Gas Co., Ltd.
    • SK D&D Co., Ltd.
    • SK Bioscience Co., Ltd.
    • SK Discovery Co., Ltd.
    SK Discovery Co., Ltd. 2021.03.31
    • Main content: Promotion of "Achieving High Performance Organizations" through "Innovative Work Methods" of SK Discovery affiliates by establishing a Smart Work Center, jointly operating with related companies under SK Discovery, and sharing the associated costs based on the proportion of each company's members.
    • Cost: One-time cost of approximately 23 million won and annual operating cost of approximately 7.7 million won, calculated based on the proportion of members of each company.
    • Contract period: May 1, 2021, to April 30, 2024 (Renewable under the same conditions until March 2027 upon joint request)
  • (Note 3) This matter pertains to approval for self-dealing. Please refer to the details below.
    Companies Subject to Self-Dealing Approval, Major Shareholders - Resolution Date, Approval Details
    Target Company Major Shareholders Resolution Date Approval Details
    • SK Gas Co., Ltd.
    SK Discovery Co., Ltd. 2021.03.31
    • Main content: Temporary office space demand for remodeling SK Gas Co., Ltd.'s ECO Hub headquarters and improving operational efficiency of ECO Lab office space at SK Chemical Co., Ltd.'s ECO Lab headquarters
    • Contract Period: March 22, 2021, to July 31, 2021 (The contract end date may change due to the re-spread of COVID-19, and if an extension is requested, it can be extended for an additional three months under the same conditions)
  • (Note 4) This matter pertains to approval for self-dealing. Please refer to the details below.
    자기거래 승인 대상회사, 주요주주ㅡ 결의일자, 승인사항
    Target Company Major Shareholders Resolution Date Approval Details
    • SK Chemicals Co., Ltd.
    • SK Gas Co., Ltd.
    • SK D&D Co., Ltd.
    • SK Bioscience Co., Ltd.
    • SK Discovery Co., Ltd.
    SK Discovery Co., Ltd. 2021.03.31
    • Main content: Joint operation of 'Discovery Lab' since June 2020 to promote Digital Transformation (DT) within Discovery. Renewal of the existing agreement is necessary for operations.
    • Cost: Allocation based on the proportion of total assets of each company (SK Discovery Co., Ltd. 6%, SK Gas Co., Ltd. 49%, SK Chemical Co., Ltd. 19%, SK D&D Co., Ltd. 19%, SK Bioscience Co., Ltd. 7%)
    • Contract Period: June 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021
  • (Note 5) This matter pertains to approval for self-dealing. Please refer to the details below.
    자기거래 승인 대상회사, 주요주주ㅡ 결의일자, 승인사항
    Target Company Major Shareholders Resolution Date Approval Details
    • SK Plasma Co., Ltd.
    SK Discovery Co., Ltd. 2021.08.25
    • Subject Item: Generic product of Revolade tablets (eltrombopag) 25mg/50mg
    • SK Plasma Co., Ltd. provides research and development funds, and SK Chemical Co., Ltd. is progressing with product development.
    • Expected Contract Period and Development Cost: Expected completion by December 2024 / KRW 23.5 billion
  • (Note 6) This matter pertains to approval for self-dealing. Please refer to the details below.
    자기거래 승인 대상회사, 주요주주ㅡ 결의일자, 승인사항
    Target Company Major Shareholders Resolution Date Approval Details
    • SK Gas Co., Ltd.
    SK Discovery Co., Ltd. 2021.09.13
    • Main content: Signing a settlement agreement to pay for the results of work performed by SK Gas Co., Ltd., either directly or through a third party, related to preparing for the utility supply business. Signing a service contract for support of the establishment of a new corporation.
    • Expected Contract Amount: Total KRW 29.4 billion (Settlement agreement: KRW 27 billion, Service contract: KRW 2.4 billion)
Year 2020
Meeting Dates and Agenda of the Board of Directors in 2020
Session Meeting Date Agenda Internal Directors Independent Directors
Kim Cheol (Main 1)
(Attendance Rate: 100%)
Jeon Kwang-hyun
(Attendance Rate: 100%)
Choi Jung-hwan (Main 2)
(Attendance Rate: 100%)
Ahn Yang-ho
(Attendance Rate: 100%)
Park Jung-soo
(Attendance Rate: 100%)
Moon Seong-hwan (Main 3)
(Attendance Rate: 100%)
Jo Hong-hee (Main 3)
(Attendance Rate: 100%)
Approval Status
1st 2020.02.05 1. Proposal for Business Transfer Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
2. Extraordinary General Meeting Convening Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
3. Setting the Record Date and Closed Period for Shareholders' Register Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
2nd 2020.02.10 1. Approval of Financial Statements and Business Reports Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
2. Proposal for Investment in PO3G Commercial Facilities Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
3. Reporting on 2019 Management Performance and 2020 Management Plan
3rd 2020.02.26 1. Report on the Operation Status of the Internal Accounting Management System for the Year 2019
2. Report on the Revision of SKMS
4th 2020.03.10 1. Proposal for the Establishment of SKYBON/PEL Factory in China Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
2. Proposal for the Sale of Shares in the Chinese Chemical Company Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
3. Convening of the 3rd Regular General Shareholders' Meeting and Confirmation of Agenda Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
4. Report on the Evaluation Results of the Operation Status of the Internal Accounting Management System for the Year 2019
5th 2020.03.25 1. Proposal for the Appointment of the Board of Directors Chairman Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
2. Proposal for the Appointment of the CEO Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
3. Proposal for the Appointment of Committee Members within the Board of Directors Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
4. Proposal for the Amendment of Executive Management Regulations Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
5. Report on the Progress of 'Support for Social Responsibility'
6th 2020.04.24 1. Report on the Impact and Response to the Economic Crisis
7th 2020.05.27 1. Agreement on the Operation of Discovery Lab (Item 4) Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
8th 2020.06.24 1. Report on the Progress of the Bioenergy Business Sale
9th 2020.07.22 1. Proposal for Executive Compensation Liability Insurance Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
2. Report on First-half Business Performance Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
3. Report on Major Business Affairs of Subsidiaries Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
10th 2020.08.26 1. Proposal for In-kind Contribution to the Reagent Business Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
2. Proposal for Lease Agreement with SK Gas (Item 5) Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
3. Business Status Update Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
11th 2020.10.28 1. Proposal for the Introduction of Electronic Voting Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
2. Proposal for Foundation Capital Participation Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
3. Report on the 3rd Quarter Business Performance - - - - - -
4. Report on Major Business Affairs of Subsidiaries - - - - - -
12th 2020.11.25 1. Proposal for Adjustment of Stock Option Exercise Price Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
2. Proposal for Determining the Method of Stock Option Exercise Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
3. Report on the Status of Copolyster Business and #4 Plant Investment - - - - - -
4. Report on Major Business Status - - - - - -
13th 2020.12.23 1. Proposal for SK Brand Usage Agreement Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
2. Report on Amendments to the Commercial and Fair Trade Laws - - - - -
3. Report on Business Status - - - - -

※ Report Items

  • (Note 1) Director Kim Cheol was reappointed on March 25, 2020.
  • (Note 2) Independent Director Choi Jung-hwan resigned as of March 25, 2020, and the attendance rate was calculated only until the resignation date.
  • (Note 3) Independent Directors Moon Sung-hwan and Jo Hong-hee were appointed on March 25, 2020, and the attendance rate was calculated only after their appointment.
  • (Note 4) Independent Director Ahn Yang-ho retired on December 1, 2020, due to the expiration of his term, and the attendance rate was calculated only until the retirement date.
  • (Note 5) This matter pertains to the approval of related-party transactions. For detailed information, please refer to the following:
    Related-Party Transaction Approval: Target Companies, Directors, Resolution Date, Approval Details
    Target Companies Directors Resolution Date Approval Details
    • SK Discovery Co., Ltd.
    • SK Gas Co., Ltd.
    • SK Chemical Co., Ltd.
    • SK D&D Co., Ltd.
    SK Discovery Co., Ltd. May 22, 2020
    • Main Content: Establishment of a dedicated organization (Discovery Lab) under SK Discovery Co., Ltd. to actively promote DT (Digital Transformation) and joint operation with subsidiaries, sharing the associated costs
    • Operating Costs: Approximately KRW 30 million annually, calculated based on the ratio of each company's total assets, with quarterly settlements
      * Excluding the book value of any shares held by one subsidiary in another subsidiary
    • Contract Period: June 01, 2020, to May 31, 2021 (Automatically extended if there is no intention to terminate; Board of Directors approval is scheduled in case of a significant increase in operating costs and sharing ratio)
  • (Note 6) This matter pertains to the approval of related-party transactions. For detailed information, please refer to the following:
    Related-Party Transaction Approval: Target Companies, Major Shareholders, Resolution Date, Approval Details
    Target Companies Directors Resolution Date Approval Details
    • SK Gas Co., Ltd.
    SK Discovery Co., Ltd. August 26, 2020
    • Temporary lease of office space in ECO Lab, the headquarters of SK Chemicals Co., Ltd., by SK Gas Co., Ltd., due to a temporary demand for office space for the remodeling of SK Hub, SK Gas Co., Ltd.'s headquarters

    ※ The content is related to agenda items discussed at board of directors meetings held from the beginning of the fiscal year that includes the disclosure document creation reference date to the reference date.

2021 Board of Directors Meeting Dates and Agenda
Session Date Agenda Internal Directors Independent Directors
Kim Cheol
(Attendance: 100%)
Jeon Kwang-hyun (Note 1)
(Attendance: 100%)
Choi Jung-hwan
(Attendance: 92%)
Ahn Deok-geun (Note 2)
(Attendance: 100%)
Ahn Yang-ho
(Attendance: 100%)
Park Jung-soo (Note 1)
(Attendance: 100%)
1st 2019.01.31
  1. 1. Approval of Financial Statements and Business Report
  1. 1. Business Update
Approval Approval Approval Approval
2nd 2019.02.22
  1. 1. Support for Social Responsibility
  1. 1. Report on the Operation Status of the Internal Accounting Management System in 2018
Approval Approval Approval Approval
3rd 2019.03.06
  1. 1. Granting of Stock Options
  2. 2. Regular Shareholders' Meeting Convening and Agenda Confirmation
Approval Approval Approval Approval
  1. 1. Report on the Evaluation Results of the Operation Status of the Internal Accounting Management System in 2018
Approval Approval Approval Approval
4th 2019.03.25
  1. 1. Appointment of CEO
  2. 2. Appointment of Committee Members within the Board of Directors
Approval Approval Absent Approval Approval
  1. 1. Update on Subsidiary (Initz) Management Status
Approval Approval Absent Approval Approval
5th 2019.04.24
  1. 1. Agreement on Subsidiary Stock Transactions
  2. 2. Execution of Third-Party Allotment for Paid-In Capital Increase
Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
  1. 1. Report on Q1 Business Performance
Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
6th 2019.05.30
  1. 1. Agreement on Subsidiary Funding Commitment
  2. 2. Closure of Branches
Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
  1. 1. Business Update
Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
7th 2019.07.24
  1. 1. Executive Compensation Liability Insurance
  2. 2. Lease Agreement with SK Advanced
Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
  1. 1. Report on First-Half Business Performance
Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
8th 2019.08.28
  1. 1. Facility Funding Loan Proposal
  2. 2. Acquisition of Stocks from Other Companies Proposal
Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
  1. 1. PPS Business Status Report
Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
9th 2019.09.03
  1. 1. Merger Proposal for Initz
  2. 2. Setting Period and Base Date for Shareholder Registry Closure
Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
10th 2019.10.23
  1. 1. Approval for the Merger of Initz Co., Ltd.
  1. 1. Report on Business Performance for Q3 2019
Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
11th 2019.12.02
  1. 1. End-of-Merger Report and Approval for Announcement
Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval
12th 2019.12.18
  1. 1. Approval of Corporate Bond Issuance Limit
  1. 1. Report on Organizational Restructuring and Executive Personnel for 2020
  2. 2. Report on the Progress of PO3G Business
  3. 3. Report on the Progress of PO3G Business
Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval

※ Report Items

  • (Note 1) Kim Cheol, an internal director, and Park Jung-soo, an independent director, were appointed on March 25, 2019. Therefore, the attendance rate calculation excludes the meetings held before their appointment.
  • (Note 2) Ahn Deok-geun, an independent director, resigned on March 25, 2019. Therefore, the attendance rate calculation excludes the meetings held after his resignation.
    ※ The content is related to the agenda of the board of directors meetings held from the beginning of the business year that includes the disclosure document creation standard date to the standard date.