

SHE Management

Principles and System

SK Chemicals recognizes Safety, Health, and Environment (SHE) management as the top priority value under a human-centric management principle, which is a core element of business.

SHE Management System
  • SHE Mission

    Recognize people and the environment as core values and create a safe and clean environment.

    • Actively practice and uphold safety, health, and environmental management through SHE management, satisfying the needs of various stakeholders for sustainable management.
  • Target

    • Achieve 'Zero' SHE incidents. (Safety/Fire/Explosion/Leak/Environmental incidents/Legal violations)
    • Thoroughly comply with SHE-related regulations and pursue SHE management at a level higher than legal requirements.
    • Establish a Global Top Tier-level SHE management system.
    • Persistently promote greenhouse gas and environmental pollutant reduction activities for eco-friendly management.
SHE Management Governance

To systematically promote SHE management, SK Chemicals has established and operates the SHE Planning Office as a dedicated SHE organization. The SHE Planning Office serves as the control tower for the entire organization, establishing SHE standards and procedures, and supporting on-site supervision and accident prevention at business sites. Plans are underway to strengthen legal compliance, identify improvement issues, and execute them at each business site, aiming to achieve an employee lost time injury rate (LTIR) of less than 0.05 by 2030. In addition, a performance reward system has been established, including safety management indicators in the KPI goals of the CEO, the executive in charge of SHE, and the production team leader of the Ulsan plant.

SHE Management Governance Process, see below for details
  • Board of Directors
  • CEO
    • SHE Planning Office
    • SHE Planning Team
    • Ulsan Plant: Safety and Environment Team
    • Cheongju Plant: SHE Team
    • Research Institute: Research Planning Team