
Our ESG Approach

DBL Management System


SK seeks to move beyond the traditional pursuit of economic value and profit under the Single Bottom Line framework, embracing a Double Bottom Line (DBL) approach that concurrently pursues and manages economic value (EV) and social value (SV) as part of the company's management philosophy. The goal is to achieve the happiness of all stakeholders and the sustainable stability and growth of the company.

Double Bottom Line



Economic Value

The financial performance disclosed in accordance with generally accepted corporate accounting standards as the ultimate output of corporate economic activities.

Social Value

Generating social benefits through corporate economic activities and creating social impact by reducing the costs of social harm.

DBL marks the starting point for business model innovation and enhancing corporate value, embodying SK's strategic approach to growing in tandem with society

Social Value

Social value refers to the aggregate societal outcomes of corporate activities contributing to the resolution of "social issues." Social issues are defined as structural problems within society that cannot be addressed by individual efforts, leading to a state of suffering for a significant portion of society. The social value created in the process of corporate activities is classified into "indirect economic contributions achievement," "environmental achievement," and "social achievement."

  • Social Value

  • Indirect Economic Contributions Achievement

    Refers to the outcomes where companies indirectly contribute to society through economic activities

  • Environmental Achievement

    Measures the extent to which products and services produced by a company affect the environment

  • Social achievement

    Measures the social value created through consumer protection, societal contributions, and support for local communities