

Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder ESG Needs Assessment

SK Chemicals identifies core issues by categorizing key stakeholder groups as employees, customers, business partners, shareholders and investors, and local communities. It understands and reflects these core issues in its management activities. Through such corporate initiatives, the company will share values with stakeholders, ensuring stable growth and continuous development.

Key Issues by Major Stakeholder

SK Chemicals, through its subsidiary companies, strives to provide diverse values to customers and maximize customer satisfaction. It collaborates with business partners to foster a fair and competitive industrial ecosystem, seeking sustainable cooperation and mutual growth. Additionally, while enhancing shareholder value, the company engages in various activities, including environmental protection, job creation, improvement of quality of life, and infrastructure support, to grow in harmony with society.

Process of key issues by major stakeholders; for detailed information, see below
  • SK Employees: Environmental protection, job creation, contributions to local communities, etc.
  • Community: Trust and support for corporate activities
  • SK Employees: Continuous customer satisfaction and resolution of pain points
  • Customers: Trust and choice
  • SK Employees: Creation of corporate value, ESG, etc.
  • Shareholders: Long-term investment
  • SK Employees: Mutual cooperation and development
  • Business Partners: Fostering a fair and competitive ecosystem

Communication Channels by Stakeholder

Communication channels and frequency for shareholders, investors, financial institutions, employees, customers, business partners, government and associations, and local communities
Stakeholder Communication Channel Frequency
Shareholders, Investors, Financial Institutions Business Report Semiannual/Biennial
Ad-hoc Disclosure As needed
Regular/Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting Regular/As needed
Earnings Release and Corporate Briefings Quarterly
Website Contact IR Board Operation Ongoing
Employees Town Hall Meeting Quarterly
Company-wide Meeting (G+, L+) Quarterly
Culture Survey Annually
SK Ethics Management Reporting Channel Ongoing
Customers Customer Satisfaction Survey (Green Chemicals Business) Annually
Customer Counseling Office Operation (Life Science Business) Ongoing
SK Chemicals Website Customer Feedback Channel Operation Ongoing
Business Partners Support for Business Partner ESG Management System Establishment As needed
SK Group Mutual Growth Academy -
Government and Associations Policy-related Discussions with Local Authorities As needed
Local Communities Collaboration with Local Authorities for Program Development and Operation Ongoing
Local Community Volunteer Corps Ongoing