

Shareholder Rights Protection

General Shareholders Meeting

Conducting General Shareholders Meeting

Our company discloses information about the date, venue, and agenda of the general shareholders meeting, as required by the Commercial Act Article 363, Article 542-4, and Article 15 of our articles of incorporation, through the Electronic Disclosure System (DART) and the company website (www.skchemicals.com).

Operation of General Shareholders Meeting

Shareholders attending the meeting can freely express opinions, raise questions, and demand explanations on the agenda items presented at the general shareholders meeting before the resolution. The introduction status of various voting methods and proxy voting-related systems is summarized below.

Introduction Status of Voting Methods and Proxy Voting-Related Systems
Item Introduction Status
Postal Voting Not Introduced
Electronic Voting Introduced
Concentration Voting System Not Introduced
Ensuring Voting Rights through Submission of Proxy Forms Introduced
Electronic Proxy System Not Introduced
Encouragement System for Proxy Voting Introduced
Results of the 7th Regular General Shareholders Meeting
Results of the 7th Regular General Shareholders Meeting: Approval Rate of Agenda Items
Agenda Outcome Voting Percentage
Item 1 Approval of the 7th Financial Statements and Consolidated Financial Statements Original Motion Original Motion Passed 98.29%
Item 2 Appointment of External Director Appointment as Audit Committee Member (Candidate: Choi Sun-mi) Original Motion Passed 97.40%
Item 3 Amendment of Articles of Incorporation Original Motion Passed 99.19%
Item 4 Approval of Director Compensation Limit Original Motion Passed 88.74%
Item 5 Amendment of Executive Retirement Pay Regulations Original Motion Passed 99.06%

※ Approval Rate: Ratio of exercised voting rights to the total number of common shares with attendance

Results of the 6th Regular General Shareholders Meeting: Approval Rate of Agenda Items
Total Issued Shares Voting Rights Shares Exercised Voting Rights Shares Major Shareholders, etc.* Other Shareholders Exercised Voting Rights Ratio** Exercised Voting Rights Ratio Excluding Major Shareholders***
19,369,212 17,036,118 9,951,167 7,361,072 2,590,095 58.40% 15.20%
  • * Major Shareholders, etc.: SK Discovery Co., Ltd. and related parties
  • ** Exercised Voting Rights Ratio: Exercised Voting Rights Shares / Voting Rights Shares
  • *** Exercised Voting Rights Ratio Excluding Major Shareholders: Other Shareholders / Voting Rights Shares
Shareholder Proposal Rights

The company implements a shareholder proposal rights system to project shareholder rights. According to Articles 363-2 and 542-6 of the Commercial Act, shareholders who hold at least 3% of the total number of voting shares or who have continuously held at least 1% for six months before the regular general meeting can propose certain matters for the agenda of the general meeting in writing or electronically at least six weeks prior to the previous year's regular general meeting.

Unless the content of the shareholder proposal violates laws, the company's articles of incorporation, or falls under the reasons for rejection specified in Article 12 of the Commercial Act Enforcement Decree, the board of directors must review the proposed items according to internal procedures and decide to include them in the agenda of the general meeting. The company must state the proposal in the notice of the general meeting. If requested by the proposing shareholder, the main content of the proposal must also be included in the notice, and an opportunity to explain the proposal at the general meeting must be provided.