

Governance System

Board of Directors Composition and Operation

SK Chemicals strengthens the oversight and balance functions of the board of directors over the management by separating the positions of the board of directors chairman and the CEO and stipulating that the majority of directors should be independent directors

Member of the Board of Directors

The board of directors resolves the company's basic management policies and major management matters. The board of directors consists of 2 internal directors, 4 independent directors, and 1 non-executive director.

이사회 구성 성명, 주요 경력 및 섬임배경, 선임일
Category Name Major Career and Background Appointment Date
Internal Directors 김철 대표이사

Kim Cheol (CEO)

Major Career
  • 2009.
    SK Holdings G&G Promotion Team
  • 2013.
    Head of SK chemicals Resin Business Division
  • 2014-Present.
    CEO and President of SK chemicals
Senior Background
Joined SK Corporation, served as Head of SK Innovation Petroleum Development Division and Head of SK Chemical Suji Plant, and currently serving as CEO of SK Chemicals. Has played a significant role in the business growth of each company, and based on extensive experience and abilities, is expected to greatly contribute to the execution of our new business ventures.
안재현 (대표이사)

Ahn Jae-hyun (CEO)

Major Career
  • 2018.
    CEO & President of SK Construction Co., Ltd. Global Biz
  • 2019-2021.
    CEO & President of SK ecoplant Co., Ltd
  • 2021-2023.
    General President of SK discovery Co., Ltd.
  • 2023-Present.
    CEO and President of SK chemicals
    President of SK plasma
    executive director of SK bioscience
Senior Background
Served as CEO of SK Discovery, CEO of SK D&D, Head of SK Gas Management Support Division and Chairman of New Growth Energy, and CEO of SK Eco Plant. Led various investments and M&As, particularly successfully executed the transition of SK Eco Plant's business structure to environmentally friendly and new energy. Based on this experience, is expected to contribute to the acceleration of our green material and bio-centered portfolio construction and ESG management
Independent Directors 문성환 (이사회 의장)

Moon Sung-hwan (Board of Directors Chairman)

Major Career
  • 2006.
    CEO and President, Huvis
  • 2017-2019.
    CEO and President, Samyang Corporation
  • 2019-2021.
    Advisor (Part-time), Samyang Corporation
cf. Huvis, Samyang Corporation, and SK chemicals belong to the same industry group(commodity chemical) according to the Global Industry Classification Standards (GICS).
Senior Background
As the CEO of Samyang and Huvis for over 10 years, an expert in corporate management with knowledge and rich experience in the chemical industry.

Jo Hong-hee

Major Career
  • 2010.
    Commissioner, Seoul Regional Tax Office
  • 2011-Present.
    Advisor, Bae, Kim & Lee LLC
  • 2022-Present.
    Independent Director, Meritz Financial Group Inc.
Senior Background
Performed tax tasks for over 30 years at the National Tax Service and other agencies, a tax field expert with knowledge and rich experience, and has been performing the role of independent director and audit committee member of listed companies for many years.

Choi Sun-mi

Major Career
  • 2014-2016.
    Yonsei University International Office Deputy Diretor
  • 2020.7-2022.8
    Founding Dean of Vin University's School of Management, Vietnam
  • 2013-Present.
    Yonsei University Department of Business Adminstration
Senior Background
With a background as a professor in the Department of Business Adminstration at Yonsei University and diverse domestic and international activities, it is expected that Choi will contribute to the company's growth based on rich insights and experience. Also, it is anticipated that she will play a significant role in enhancing board diversity and ensuring transparency/independence of the audit committee

Park Jung-soo

Major Career
  • 2010-Present.
    Professor, Faculty of Economics, Sogang University
  • 2019-2022.
    Independent director of the National Happiness Fund
  • 2022-Present.
    Dean, College of Economics, Sogang University
    Advisor of ESG Mater degree, Graduate School of Economics, Sogang University
Senior Background
Currently a professor in the Department of Economics at Sogang University, and actively engaged in a wide range of activities such as policy advisory and evaluation committees for government agencies. In particular, established the nation's first ESG expert training program at the Graduate School of Economics, Sogang University.
Non-executive Director 전광현

Jeon Kwang-hyun

Major Career
  • 2017.
    CEO of SK chemicals LS Biz. and CEO of SK plasma
  • 2018.
    CEO and President of SK chemicals LS Biz. , COO of GC Biz.
    CEO of Pharma Business Division, President of SK plasma, and President of SK bioscience
  • 2020.
    CEO and President of SK chemicals, CEO of Pharma Business Division, President of SK plasma, and President of SK bioscience
  • 2022-2023.
    CEO and President of SK chemicals, CEO of Pharma Business Division, President of SK plasma, and Non-executive director of SK bioscience
  • 2023-Present.
    General President of SK discovery Co., Ltd.
Senior Background
Joined SK Chemicals, served as President of Life Science Business, and currently serving as CEO of SK Chemicals. Made significant contributions to the performance improvement and growth of each business area.
Board Committees

To enhance the operational efficiency and expertise of the board of directors, audit, independent director candidate recommendation, ESG, and personnel committees are established and operated under the board of directors.

  • Board of Directors

  • Audit Committee

    Performs business and accounting audits, reviews investment risks, and audits the execution of director duties

    감사위원회 위원장과 위원
    4 Independent Directors
    • Cho Hong-hee
    • Moon Sung-hwan (Independent Director)
    • Ahn Yang-ho (Independent Director)
    • Park Jung-soo (Independent Director)
  • Independent Director Nominating Committee

    Transparent, professional, independent, and diverse recommendation of independent director candidates

    사외이사후보추천위원회 위원장, 위원
    3 Independent Director
    • Ahn Yang-ho
    • Jo Hong-hee (Independent Director)
    • Park Jung-soo (Independent Director)
  • ESG Committee

    Decision-making on major ESG matters across management

    ESG위원회 위원장, 위원
    1 Internal Director, 2 Independent Director
    • Park Jung-soo
    • Ahn Yang-ho (Independent Director)
    • Ahn Jae-hyun (CEO)
  • Personnel Committee

    Review of the CEO's evaluation and tenure, examination of the adequacy of internal directors' compensation, and evaluation and determination of key executives' compensation

    인사위원회 위원장, 위원
    2 Independent Directors, 1 Non-executive Director
    • Moon Sung-hwan
    • Jo Hong-hee (Independent Director)
    • Jeon Kwang-hyun (Non-executive Director)
Board of directors Evaluation

SK Chemicals conducts a board of directors evaluation to enhance the efficient operation and governance improvement of the board of directors and its committees.

  • Development/Improvement Schedule and Method for Evaluation Criteria (Board of Directors Secretariat)

  • Pre-explanation and Guidance for Board of Directors Evaluation

  • Evaluation Implementation

    • Board of directors Evaluation: O
    • Committee Evaluation: O
    • Director Evaluation: X
  • Results Disclosure and Improvement Activities

  • Results Aggregation and Identification of Improvement Measures

  • Evaluation Purpose: Enhancement of board of directors function and governance improvement through activation and operational efficiency improvement of the board of directors
  • Evaluation Method: Conducted once a year (every 1st quarter) targeting independent directors using anonymous online board of directors and committee evaluations
  • Evaluation Contents: Evaluated on a 5-point scale and open-ended questions regarding the appropriateness, fidelity, sufficiency, effectiveness, etc., of the composition, roles, responsibilities, and operation of the board of directors and committees
  • Evaluation Results: The results are disclosed on the website and in the business report, and specific improvement measures will be disclosed in the future
Board of Directors Operation Self-Evaluation Results
이사회 운영 자체 평가 결과, 평가 연도별 이사회구성, 역할, 책임, 운영 위원회의 구성, 위원회의 역할/운영, 종합 평가
Evaluation Year Member of the Board of Directors Board of Directors Roles Board of Directors Responsibilities Board of Directors Operation Committee Composition Committee Roles/Operation Comprehensive Evaluation
2023 4.7 4.6 4.8 4.7 4.6 4.8 4.7
2022 4.8 4.6 4.8 4.7 4.6 4.5 4.7
2021 4.3 4.4 4.9 4.5 4 4.2 4.4
2020 4.3 4.3 4.4 4.3 3.9 4.3 4.3